Distributed I/O Controllers and Multi-Protocol Gateways

End-to-End Industrial OT & IT Business Management

nexCONTROL-MIO - is our flexible and expandable Distributed I/O Controller

nexGATEWAY-MXP is our OT-2-IT and OT-2-OT bridge providing protocol conversion to work seamlessly with over 300 existing infrastruture and management software, communication and hardware technologies like BACnet (MS-TP/IP), MODbus (RTU/TCP-IP), Mbus, KNX, OPC UA, IEC 014, IEC 61131-3, SCADA and various PLC's.

NuEdge I/O Controllers and Multi-Protocol Gateways are built on open source hardware design for reliability, longevity and continuous shared development

Controllers and Gateways work in-sync with NuEdge nexDAC Automation Platform.

Connect with us to learn how our smart automation can give your company a leading edge in the evolving Industry 4.0.

Distributed I/O Controllers
Distributed I/O Controllers

Distributed I/O Controllers for flexible deployment based on open source design hardware.

Multi-Protocol Gateways
Multi-Protocol Gateways

Seamlessly traverse multiple OT and IT Systems for enhanced performance and productivity.